well for body work, this is how i do it... use turtle wax car shampoo use a soft sponge (so as not to scratch the body work) and clean the entire car, then use some chamois leather to dry up the car.
next is waxing, recently i started using "Mothers calfornia wax" it really has iven some great reults an nise smooth and shiny finish, much better than the old products i used.
for tires, first clean up the whole thing, the rubber part with one of those plastic brushes (the soft ones and not thwe ones with the hard bristels) for the rims its best to use another sponge, all this i usually do with the same solution i used for cleaning the body.
after the wheels dry up its either use those tire foam sprays or do what i do, i use tutle wax tire wax really gives a nice finish on the tires it does take longer to apply but the finish is well worth it.
for the rims i\'ve tried wax once but i found it quite troublsome so for now i use those liquid rim cleaners, but their are many products u can use depending on the type of rim like chrome, polished alluminium etc... i havent tried them coz they are extremely over priced here.
also i cant stress how important it is to vaccum inside a car
