Wind Waker was pretty cool, although it would\'ve been cooler if it had really been subbed "Wand of the Wind" as titled by some mags early on.
I HATED the dungeons. Or, well, didn\'t actually, they were just plain boring. The whole game was just too goddamn easy, allll the way through. And short to boot.
What bugged me the most with the dungeons was that they all concentrated on single-room puzzles, not any of that "grasping the bigger picture" fun to be had as in MM\'s water palace. Suck suck suck.
The thing I enjoyed most, was the occasional atmospheric moment when sailing the seas. Clouds start gathering, you hear thunder strike behind you, gulls gather around the boat... Ninty magik.
I\'ll have to back some day, I\'m still missing 3 or 4 figurines, a couple of maps and 2 heart pieces.
A Link to the Past is still the ultimate Zelda experience.