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Author Topic: Sounds good enough for me.  (Read 426 times)

Offline ooseven
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Sounds good enough for me.
« on: February 05, 2004, 11:58:57 AM »
Howard calls for Blair to resign


Prime Minister Tony Blair should resign because he failed to

ask "basic questions" on claims made in his Iraq dossier, says the Tory leader.
Michael Howard seized on Mr Blair\'s admission he did not know the claim Iraq could use weapons within 45 minutes referred to battlefield arms.
Cabinet minister Margaret Beckett branded his criticisms as "nitpicking".

"What matters is what they [the weapons] can do, not how they are delivered," she told BBC Radio 4\'s PM.
Mrs Beckett said wartime prime minister Winston Churchill had not wasted time trying to find out what munitions the enemy had.

Mr Blair\'s official spokesman accused the media of trying to "re-write history" by exaggerating the importance of the claim in the Iraq dossier that Saddam Hussein could deploy weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes.
Downing Street says it never claimed Iraq could fire long-range chemical or biological missiles within 45 minutes.
On Wednesday, the prime minister caused surprise with his admission he had not known the details of the 45 minute claim when he urged MPs to vote for the war in March 2003.


So Hutton “Cleared” him of wrong *coff White Wash coff*[/I]doing… Looks like he was just plain incompetent.

Blair NOW has to GO....
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]


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