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Author Topic: the cinema gods have blessed us  (Read 2022 times)

Offline Unicron!
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the cinema gods have blessed us
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2004, 02:39:28 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
You really have no clue. What do they put in the water over at Cyprus?

Your comparison of Mickey Mouse and Akira was one of the dumbest things I have had the displeasure of reading in recent times. You are taking an American icon (Mickey Mouse) and comparing it to a  modern hit (Akira) that was a completely different tone and style. Let\'s see, Mickey Mouse using traditional animation and no real story, where as Akira is anime with a mature storyline. Great comparsion..:rolleyes:

I thought its importance in history of animation was what mattered.

Sorry if you cant grasp the TRUE point of my posts. :rolleyes:


As for your comment about a movie with Godzilla or King Kong that you liked, well, I expect you liked none of them. Why? Because you have no taste in movie\'s. The original Godzilla and King Kong are classic films that are still great.  Why? Because they had something that most films lack now\'a\'days, a soul.  Your complaints are equally dumb as your comparsion. You complain that the special effects are old - well, gee whiz, guess what, it was made in f**kin\' 1954. You complain that the idea of a monster wrecking havoc on a city is old - well guess what? It\'s a sci-fi / horror film. Also, if you want to complain about that, then I guess you don\'t like any movie\'s, as almost every movie requires the viewer to suspend belief for the events of the movie to take place and be enjoyable.

You are NOT the appropriate person to tell ME and KNOW ENOUGH about my tastes.And I am NOT trashing Godzilla or King Kong for what they were.Doing all that fuss though about it just becuase their appearance in theaters is plain stupid.*sheesh*
And how many times will I have to explain I AM NOT TRASHING IT BECAUSE OF ITS SPECIAL EFFECTS!!(I put it in caps lock so you can notice)Its just DEOSNT WORTH ALL THAT FUSS!!I spoke GENERALLY about the movie.I mentioned other things as well except from the effects.I am NOT judging it just because of its effects.Hell I am not exactly judging it either.
It may have had an impact in history of movies but I wouldnt be excited for a theatrical rerelease of a very very very old movie.I would have watchid in only becuase I may long the past or want to recall the movies of the past


I said it earlier and I\'ll say it again. I feel dumber after reading your post.
:shakes head: [/B]

Thanks for your "compliment" but I personally dont like provoking although I feel the same thing because you cant seem to understand what I mean.Probably you expect me to HAIL the return of DE GREAT GODZILLA in Theaters!! :rolleyes:
I welcome it.But I dont like the idea of showing off my great taste in movies by making all that fuss and exaggerating so others can notice and wait for the chance to trash whoever doesnt join the celebrating company.


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