excuse my stupidity, what the heck is tonsil? Why do you guy need to take it out? Sound painful...
I don\'t know if i have deviated septum, but my nose bone it crooked to the right side, i can breathe throught the right, but my left nose bone kinda squish inward, and that where it causes this weird pain. The unnecessary surgery i had back then causes my nose bone to squish inward, he shove the needle and push it inward, it is causing me pain.
I am still piss at my mom, like i said, if it ain\'t broke don\'t fix it...but damn, i don\'t know what was my mom thinking...she should at least ask me if i have trouble breathing instead of guessing and giving me the damn surgery without telling me...my nose bone is normal, and the unnecessary "fix" had cause me some chronic pain.
Vivi, did you mom feel better after the surgery or the same or worst?
My mom, she said she had trouble breathing, and she snore in her sleep. She decided to have a surgery on her nose where she shove the needles in the bones....don\'t know if she breathe better, but she still snore when she sleep. And she thought i have the same symptoms, in truth, i don\'t snore when i sleep and most importantly, i am breathing normally. Because of the damn surgery....

Sometimes i wonder, what had been done, can be undone....and i wonder if the surgery can undone it....