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Author Topic: Last night...night from HELL!  (Read 555 times)

Offline shockwaves
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Last night...night from HELL!
« on: February 17, 2004, 12:27:24 PM »
Oh god...last night was like the worst and longest night of transportation I\'ve ever had.  I was taking an Amtrak train from Albany NY to Philly.  The train left at 7, and if I hit all my connections right, I would have been back in Philly by 11:15.

So, everything is going fine on my train from Albany to Penn Station, when suddenly, the emergency breaks are hit.  We don\'t know what\'s going on.  We\'re told there is debris on the tracks that needs to be moved before we can continue.  Eventually, we find out what really happened.  We had hit a car.  The car was being driven by a senial 83 year old woman who had stolen the car from her family and was reported missing earlier in the day.  She drove the car along the tracks onto a bridge, and that was where she was hit.  The police show up, she\'s brought to the hospital and somehow is ok.  We, however, can\'t move.  Finally, we are told we\'ll be moving backwards to the last station to get on another train on a different set of tracks and taken to Grand Central Station.  But we have to wait for an inspector to show up and give us permission.  Finally, after sitting still for hours, we move, make it to that station, and on to that train.  So I get into NY at about 12:45, an hour and a half after I should have been in Philly.  All trains for philly are already gone, so after a while of calling around, I find out there is a 2:30 am bus to Philly.  So I take a cab across town to the port authority, wait around for that, and finally get into philly and back to my dorm room at about 5 am.  Asleep around 5:30 maybe.  Wonderful when you have a 9:00 class to get to the next morning :(

GOD I\'m exhausted.

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Last night...night from HELL!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2004, 12:34:13 PM »
damn that\'s wild! something is always happening with those amtrak trains. surprised this wasn\'t on the news.

On another note did she put a gun to the family members head & jack them for their whip? she stole it? that\'s funny! her family probably told her she was senile and shouldn\'t drive...guess she showed them!:p
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Offline GmanJoe

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Last night...night from HELL!
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2004, 12:39:09 PM »
The ole granny was playing Grand Theft Auto 3 again!
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Last night...night from HELL!
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2004, 03:19:59 PM »
Originally posted by shockwaves
a senial 83 year old woman who had stolen the car from her family

Man old women drivers really shoudn\'t be allowed to drive.
I was out with my driviving instructor a few weeks ago and i was passing a junction that a car was at - i had the right of way so they should have stopped but OH no it was some old women in her Toyota Yaris who decided not to see me and pull out of the junction right in front of me, me and my instructor slam on the brakes and the clutch (dual controls). Stupid old women. We saw her later on and my instructor yelled out the window "You\'re gonna kill someone driving like that!". Was quite funny but scary to. =]
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