THX here is the problem though while the ATI card can RUN DOOM 3 just as good as the NVIDIA, the same can not be said about the latter in regards to HALF LIFE 2 heck the 5950 or (NV35) series) is not even a true DX9 card, and don\'t get me started on the issue of half-life AA on nVIDIA. Now this generations of cards comming out might change things, but like I said we will have to wait and see.
Also I can name a bunch of games that were NVIDIA hardware recommend which turned out to run better on the ATI 9700 pro, take ut2003 for example, (remember the triliner filtering for UT 2003 which is disabled on the so called optimized NVIDIA hardware, while the ATI card actually Process the whole string) Also when DOOM 3 WAS RUNING AT E3. id was using ATI hardware to run the game, NOT THE NVIDIA CARD, ouch
Anyways back to the point of discussion for those that want to RUN DOOM 3 in high resolution, with all the settings high, PLus 60fps(since I see to many of you bitch at 30fps) you are going to need a very powerful GPU +CPU, more importanly of course the GPU.
I doubt this generations of GPU\'s can run DOOM 3 in all of it\'s glory at 60fps. Although I have a very strong feeling that NEXT generation R420 and NV40xx series will be able to run DOOM 3 easily at 60fps.
Both company\'s NVIDIA and ATI has in numerous cases suggested that this years new generation of Graphics Processors will have a twice the processing power from last year generation of GPU. The information we have seen suggests that this will be true. GDDR3 running at 1.0ghz-1.2ghz with 256bit memory bus, etc...