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Author Topic: Weird ass dreams  (Read 653 times)

Offline ##RaCeR##
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Weird ass dreams
« on: February 29, 2004, 12:31:31 AM »
What are some weird ass dreams you\'ve had over the years that really stay in your memory?

I had one about a year ago where I was an actual lemon, and I was sitting on this park bench outside with two pre teen girls, playing barbies. The next thing I knew they went into the house and brought out a whole tray with more lemons on it, and then I turned and looked what was next to me, and it was a juicer and I sign that said \'free lemonade\'. I remember i started screaming and one of the girls picked me up and stuck me into the juicer, and I could actually see myself getting ripped to shreds. I then remember becoming the juice and the last thing I remeber was being poured into a glass before I woke up.


has anyone else had a few crazy dreams?

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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2004, 02:59:45 AM »
good question,
yes i have, but i don\'t really remember all of it.

I have this one weird dream where i was a warrior with my fellow friends on a journey killing snakes.

It kinda like a videogame where you kill all this snakes in this level and advance to the next.  I remember my fellow friends and me search and killing lots and lots of snakes in rooms after rooms.

Until the last stage, i fight the alien with the space ship that invade Earth.  I think i fight the boss and he try to escape back to the space ship.  As he did, i defeat him before he can do so.

But he injured (can\'t remember it was me or one of my fellow friends), and then all the 7 continents from the planet Earth started to group together as a whole and planet Earth started to shine a golden yellow.  And I think the world become a better place afterward or something not sure, and i woke up.

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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2004, 03:56:29 AM »
I had one quite recently where it was my last day of high school and the bell had rang (as in the home time bell) for the last time. Me and my freinds were walking out of school and we were all making attempts to kick walls as we passed them but all our attepts were really week so we didnt succeed in doing any damage which i tink was the idea.

In about a year (When i have safely left high school) i will post the most immaturte thread PSX2Central has ever seen and this dream will make sense to u all :)
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2004, 05:38:56 AM »
I once dreamt my family was infested with some alien mind controlling thingie and I had to kill my entire family with a hammer. That one was wierd.....and I\'m told somewhat disturbing.
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2004, 06:27:19 AM »
isn\'t it weird how you can remember all of your life experiences but can\'t remember most of the dreams you\'ve had? Any way one dream i had was where i was fighting some cat..might have been some type of super villian or something anyway we\'re fighting on the roof of a building and he knocks me off..and let me tell you falling in your dreams feel REAL as hell.

anyway at that moment i realized it was a dream and made myself stop..fly back up to the roof top & blast him with a ball of fire! I guess you can say i was a big fan of ryu or goku..as i\'ve always wanted to do something like that :p
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2004, 08:18:44 AM »
I had this dream I was in some desert, with only millions of hills of sand. I remember just walking one hill, to see only like 1,000 more ahead of me... It was so monotonous and the dream lasted forever... It lead to nothing.... All that walking too.

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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2004, 08:54:21 AM »
Originally posted by SwifDi
I had this dream I was in some desert, with only millions of hills of sand. I remember just walking one hill, to see only like 1,000 more ahead of me... It was so monotonous and the dream lasted forever... It lead to nothing.... All that walking too.

uhm..how long did it take you to type that? :p j/k
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2004, 09:16:45 AM »
Had a dream i was at my high school with my other class mates. We all walked outside one of our science block rooms and when we looked into the sky we could see another earth. It was huge. Took up most of the sky and was slowly moving towards us,
For some odd reason people were taking shuttles to this earth to avoid any damage it will cause to the earth we were on.  Only problem with that is both planets were about to be F@#KED up.

Another time I had a dream I was in a boxing match.. When i got hit i woke up doing the same type of movement as I was when being hit in my dream. Pretty strange since it was like being hit but no pain.

Another one I remember was from when I was young. I had a nightmare about Freddy Kruger. woooo.   I was outside my house in the middle of the day and he was chasing me, but I could barely move. I was running so slowly and he was moving like normal. I finally got away and ran towards the local milkbar / deli.
Freddy started to throw ninja stars at me… that cheating bastard.   Then I woke up.
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2004, 09:47:26 AM »
Keep having this dream where i go about my daily life as norm...

But for some strange reason everywhere i walk people keep on giving me strange looks.

This go\'s on for the entire day until its time for me to go home.

The next thing that happens is that i am walking down to the Bus Station when i suddenly look down to see that all I have on is....

a Pair of Black shoes...
White sport socks (british spelling)...
and a pair of Bright WHITE skin tight boxer shorts...

Also for some strange reason i have a Black Bowler Hat on (a bit like OddJobs from goldfinger).

Its only shortly after that that i wake up...

Very Strange....
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2004, 10:27:30 AM »
I had a dream I walked into this tiny office the size of a walk in closet. This guy at a desk said something to me and I jumped through the ceiling and landed in some jungle and there were temples all around me. Like Aztec shit. then I woke up

Offline mjps21983
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2004, 11:11:45 AM »
eh, well once I dreamed I was falling off a cliff, and well I was falling off my top bunk bed!!! Shit I hit the ground and woke up, got right back up in no pain and went to bed. The other time if you\'ve ever seen that movie where the kid is some bad ass Mario 3 player can\'t remember the name, well we were in a contest like that, but it was a pissing contest and well ummmmm, when I woke up I was uhhhh, pissed myself, I was like 3-4, one of the weirdest most embarrassing dreams that I\'ve had was that one.

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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #11 on: February 29, 2004, 12:06:19 PM »
I was driving a remote control car in a dump, and a werewolf jumped out of the portipotty and wanted to race me.

So I kicked his ass, and we got drunk afterwards.
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Weird ass dreams
« Reply #12 on: February 29, 2004, 11:45:10 PM »
Originally posted by mjps21983
eh, well once I dreamed I was falling off a cliff, and well I was falling off my top bunk bed!!! Shit I hit the ground and woke up, got right back up in no pain and went to bed. The other time if you\'ve ever seen that movie where the kid is some bad ass Mario 3 player can\'t remember the name, well we were in a contest like that, but it was a pissing contest and well ummmmm, when I woke up I was uhhhh, pissed myself, I was like 3-4, one of the weirdest most embarrassing dreams that I\'ve had was that one.

That movie was called the Wizard.

And ive had so many messed up dreams. NEVER have i had a normal dream that seemed realistic at all. Of course thats not that hard to fathom but my dreams are so wild. If only i could record them on video or something.

Could you imagine being able to watch your dreams or somebody elses. Talk about nuts
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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Re: Weird ass dreams
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2004, 12:22:21 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
What are some weird ass dreams you\'ve had over the years that really stay in your memory?

I had one about a year ago where I was an actual lemon, and I was sitting on this park bench outside with two pre teen girls, playing barbies. The next thing I knew they went into the house and brought out a whole tray with more lemons on it, and then I turned and looked what was next to me, and it was a juicer and I sign that said \'free lemonade\'. I remember i started screaming and one of the girls picked me up and stuck me into the juicer, and I could actually see myself getting ripped to shreds. I then remember becoming the juice and the last thing I remeber was being poured into a glass before I woke up.


has anyone else had a few crazy dreams?

Even your dreams are gay. :(
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