So you want nerdy huh?, I\'ll give you nerdy :nerd: :nerd:
The Extended DVD of Return of the King will last 4 hours and 10 minutes.
Possible reinserted Return Of The King deleted scenes:
* Sam seeing the star of Earendil in Mordor (Boyens Interview)
* Gandalf confronting Saruman. Grima throws the palantir. Saruman is killed. (PJ)
* Warrior Elves ambushing (and kicking butt of) a host of orcs at the borders of Lorien. Glimpse of Celeborn leading them (photos online)
* Legolas and Gimli drinking game at Edoras (Davies Interview, Rotk Making of)
* Extended Sequence of Minas Tirith. Pippin: " Gandalf, why are they guarding a dead Tree?" Gandalf explains the fate of Gondor.(RotK photoguide)
* Elrond thinking of no hope left. Flashforward to Halls of Mandos and Haldir. "Hope is not still among us. There is so much death... to our loved ones (meaning the elves)" (PJ Interview)
* Merry\'s pledge to Theoden. Merry: "I have a sword. I offer you my service, Theoden King." Theoden: "And gladly I receive it. You shall be Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan, and ride with me." (multible trailers, National Geographic DVD of RotK, RotK photoguide)
* Extended sequence at Edoras. The Rohirrim depart and Eowyn looks from above. (RotK photoguide, RotK teaser poster)
* Pippin\'s uniform was that of Boromir as a child. Flashback of Boromir and Faramir playing together as Denethor overlooks (visual companion, John Noble interview, RotK photoguide)
* The Crossroads. "These lands were once part of the Kingdom of Gondor... long ago when there was a King and the West stood strong." (photos online, RotK photoguide)
* Gondor\'s muster of arms. Gondorian army gathers prior to battle in Minas Tirith (National Geographic DVD of RotK).
* Ôïí Elrond íá áðïêáëýðôåé óôçí Arwen ôéò ðñïèÝóåéò ôïõ ãéá ôïí Aragorn (Supertrailer).
* Arwen\'s declarying her undying love for Aragorn. "If only I could see him for the last time" (japanese trailer)
* Arwen and a much younger Aragorn first meeting (Liv Tyler interview, two towers trailer)
* Following his acceptance of Anduril from Elrond, Aragorn uses the Palantir to reveal himself to Sauron. Sauron shows him a vision of Arwen\'s sickness. Sauron will offer Aragorn a vision of Arwen dying, and the Evenstar shattering. There is a picture of Aragorn holding the covered palantir.
(interview by PJ, Visual Companion)
* Áragorn revealing to Eowyn that he loves another. And that Eowyn is not to be alone for long. (Otto interview)
* Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn travel through a mountain of skulls and bones into the paths of the dead (photos online)
* Aragorn doubting after the Paths of the Dead. Legolas comforts him (photos online, rotk trailer)
* Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn observe the Corsair Ships (Art of the Return of the King, RotK photoguide)
* Denethor & his Palantir. News are revealed to us for a hostile fleet of corsairs sailing from Umbar. (PJ interview, visual companion, Art of the Return of the King)
* Legolas and Aragorn exiting the Paths of the Dead with mist flowing after them. (visual companion, RotK photoguide)
* Corsairs and the taking of the Black Ships. (visual companion)
* Faramir informing Denethor that he let Frodo and Sam go. "Boromir would have brought me that mighty gift" (ROTK photoguide).
* Extended battle sequences. An orderly retreat, orchestrated by Gandalf, following the breaching of the Gates of Minas Tirith. They retreat to the Second and then Third and then Fourth Circle of the city. The Witch-King and his winged steed confront Gandalf and Shadowfax in the Fourth Circle of the city just before the horns of Rohan are heard. (visual companion, McKellen interview, game trailers)
* Gandalf confronting the Witch King. The Witch King breaks Gandalf\'s staff. (ROTK preview on TTT theatrical DVD)
* Eowyn kicking some major orc butt. (Eowyn featurette)
* Aragorn and Gimli killing the "puffy" Orc (RotK Making of).
* Eomer\'s lament of Theoden, Eowyn and Gamling... (ROTK trailer, Supertrailer)
* More footage of the Tombs of the Stewards (Visual Guide).
* Aragorn healing the wounded. Ðñþôá ôïí Faramir, Ýðåéôá ôçí Eowyn. In the Houses of Healing, Aragorn heals Faramir, who then meets Eowyn and they fall in love. Elderly Nurse Ioreth is present. "It is said in old lore that the hands of a King are the hands of a healer..." (Íewsweek, RotK photoguide)
* Sam using Phial to pass Watchers at Cririth Ungol (Boyens Interview, RotK photoguide)
* Orcs in Cirith Ungol discussing the lone elf commando who\'s invaded them. (Boyens interview)
* Mordor\'s Army marching away (multible trailers).
* A disguised Frodo and Sam join a column of marching orcs on the way to Mt Doom. Their master is a ferocious orc captain with a whip. Ç áôÜêá ðïõ áêïýìå åßíáé áðü ôïí orc captain: \'Come on you slugs!.\' (the theatrical cut, RotK photoguide, Art of the RotK)
* The Mouth of Sauron. Confrontation between Gandalf and Mouth of Sauron. Aragorn in despair (Weapons and Warfare book, visual companion). A must see!!!
* Pippin cradling Merry on the battlefield from the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Pippin has helmet on (where Pippin sees the Eagles in the theatrical edition). " Come on Merry, up you get, we must get you to the city." (visual companion, Boyd interview, RotK photoguide)
* Theoden\'s funeral. (John Noble interview).
* The people of the West and East declarying allegiance to the new King. (Viggo Mortensen interview).
* Legolas shown wearing the blue outfit from the Coronation, surrounded by men drinking in a celebratory manner. Legolas:\'s...a drinking game? Men raise mugs and growl. "arrrrr"
Legolas: And what exactly is the point of it? Gimli: Last one standing wins!!! Legolas then sips tentatively from the mug with his eyes looking over the rim uncertainly. (National Geographic DVD of RotK)
* Aragorn and Arwen\'s Wedding (photos online).
* Luthien and Beren flashback. (PJ interview).
* Eowyn and Faramir\'s wedding (and Eomer\'s coronation) (Miranda Otto Interview)
* A cool shot of the four hobbits on their way home to the shire (the four standing with each other, Merry and Pippin a bit taller than Frodo and Sam). (photos online)
* Sam\'s election to Mayor of Hobbiton. (Sean Astin interview)
* Valinor. (photos online)
* Epilogue explaining Fellowship futures. Aragorn on his death bed and Arwens line "Would you leave your people before your time" (Liv Tyler interview).
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