I wish I had a \'stang sometimes, although I loathe american cars for the most part for their ugly designs and shoddy quality, they are still a blast to drive (except for the V6). A buddy of mine has a side business he does out of his shop where he mainly builds roll cages for 9 second mustangs.
He also spends tons of time and money on his mustang... it\'s pretty amazing. I think it\'s like a 98 or 97 GT, but he dropped a 2000 Cobra R engine into it and built his own custom turbo system (90mm.... frickin\' HUGE). He\'s racing down in Florida this weekend still trying to get a sponsor, he\'s in so much debt. He was expecting to get racing and win his money back, but he hasn\'t had the money or time to get to a lot of races yet.
You guys planning on modding or have already modded your \'stangs?