Let\'s see what the puublisher does:
1) Provides funding to the developers to make the game
2) Gives them the criteria for what type of game it\'s supposed to be
3) Distributes and produces the game worldwide
Unfortunately the game developer, while highly talented, can do none of those by themselves. Middle men are indeed evil, causing prices to rise or just remain where they are. The publishers also set deadlines which cannot be broken or the contract will be broken. From there the developer has to decide if they want to scrap the game and receive ZERO money, or just release a crappy game just to make the deadline and get paid.
You take a company like Capcom which develops and publishes their own games and you start to see lower prices and higher quality, such as $40 for Viewtiful Joe.
Maybe the industry does need a change, but the developers just don\'t have the money or distribution channels to get a game off the ground.