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Author Topic: Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation  (Read 1423 times)

Offline Unicron!
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« on: April 01, 2004, 06:16:43 PM »
Click here for interview

They are starting pretty well.It seems they are asking for feedback from developers and they are improving XNA upon it.

They arent just looking forward to doing good.They target to become No1 by difference.They are hugely optimistic as well
My take is that they expected not to do great with XBOX.But their main cause was to create a name and reputation with it to "build" for the next generation and that would ensure their success with the next XBOX.The losses werent anything important for MS.They expected it.

When you arent doing great in an industry you have room to improve(XBOX).The greater you achieve the less room for improvement exists(PS1 and PS2 success) and the higher the chances are to fail.Thats the logic behind their strategy I believe.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2004, 06:19:46 PM by Unicron! »

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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 06:24:48 PM »
My take is that they expected not to do great with XBOX.But their main cause was to create a name and reputation with it to "build" for the next generation and that would ensure their success with the next XBOX.The losses werent anything important for MS.They expected it.

I am not a PS2 fanboy by any means but that\'s not how any company views it\'s product when entering the market.  They look to make profits, or at least break even.  No one sets out to make losses to prepare for the next generation.  Only difference here is that this is Microsoft, who has much more money to play with than anyone else in the industry so in the grand scheme of things the Xbox was a big learning experience for them AND in the end they may become #1.

But as a gamer it doesn\'t matter who is number 1, but how many players there are.  More competition means lower prices, better quality, and unfortunately die-hard fanboys.  I look forward to gaming on the Xbox 2 and the PS3 when they arrive.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2004, 06:26:31 PM by THX »

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Offline Unicron!
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2004, 06:42:28 PM »
MS is planning I believe to make profits in the long run.Not in the short run.They have enough revenues to cover the losses.
I agree with your first comment.Your third sentence though is why I believe that specifically MS was planning to have losses with XBOX but increase chances for future success in the long run.

Offline Black Samurai
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2004, 08:03:56 AM »
Originally posted by Unicron!
My take is that they expected not to do great with XBOX.But their main cause was to create a name and reputation with it to "build" for the next generation and that would ensure their success with the next XBOX.The losses werent anything important for MS.They expected it.[/B]
I agree somewhat. I don\'t think they expected to take over the industry. I saw the Xbox as their way of gaining a share of the gamers\' support and building off that for the next generation.

I think they even said that in a couple of interviews(at least something similar). Something like they aren\'t as concerned about losses as they are about gaining the respect of the gamers.
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2004, 11:12:36 PM »
Success is 99% failure.   :D

My take is that they expected not to do great with XBOX.But their main cause was to create a name and reputation with it to "build" for the next generation and that would ensure their success with the next XBOX.

Agreed!  Building the reputation.    So far MS did walk the talk.  

Bring great games, best online gaming, True 5.1 etc.

It might take Xbox3 to see the real success out of Xbox.

I think one of the key factors is finding great NEW developers.
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Offline ooseven
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2004, 11:22:09 AM »
Originally posted by pstwo

Agreed!  Building the reputation.    So far MS did walk the talk.  

Microsoft have a reputation ?

ohhhh.... Microsoft HAVE a reputation....Sorry but i kind of got confused what with them being 3rd place in the Console war....

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Offline Halberto
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2004, 11:27:04 AM »
Why would MS have to build a reputation? Everyone knows about Microsoft! The people just dont see they need better games, not better graphics, features, or a controller.

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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2004, 11:52:33 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi
Why would MS have to build a reputation? Everyone knows about Microsoft! The people just dont see they need better games, not better graphics, features, or a controller.

True Dat :D....
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Offline Unicron!
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2004, 12:21:42 PM »
Originally posted by ViVi
Why would MS have to build a reputation? Everyone knows about Microsoft! The people just dont see they need better games, not better graphics, features, or a controller.

Originally posted by ooseven
Microsoft have a reputation ?

ohhhh.... Microsoft HAVE a reputation....Sorry but i kind of got confused what with them being 3rd place in the Console war....


heheheh.Well a new product of theirs has become known.Its not like the saturn or jaguar.Everyone knew SEGA and ATARI.Especially SEGA but they sunk.The Saturn left nothing for the next generation to continue.And the DreamCast sunk as well despite the superb games.
XBOX didnt fail or succeed.The name came to stay.Imagine.If their console was bought just becuase of MS\'s reputation (bad or good) as a powerful company, the hype and the graphics, imagine how much XBOX2 will sell with the appropriate marketing campaign and the appropriate support now that the XBOX brand name has become popular.The XBOX reputation and the company\'s are different entities in the market now.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2004, 12:27:11 PM by Unicron! »

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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2004, 10:22:50 PM »
exactly uni I think xbox will be huge next generation. When you see what they are doing now they are setting themselves up too make a huge dent in the gaming industry.
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Offline Unicron!
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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2004, 10:57:48 PM »
Yeah exactly.They are asking for feedback continuously and XNA seems like a huge step forward despite that there is still time till XBOX2 is launched.Developeres seem to give lots of attention to MS\'s plans for the next gen.I still dint hear anything from Sony or Nintendo.They seem as if MS have managed a good position for next generation already.


Here is possible leakage from Sony.Still nothing specifically promising


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Microsoft extremely competitive for next generation
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2004, 05:16:48 AM »
XNA sounds like a leap in the right direction, and then MS listening to the development community is another good step.  

THX, MS set out from the beginning saying that they did not expect Xbox to turn profit but rather estabilish a foundation for the future.  Xbox 2 was in the plans from the get go so it\'s pretty clear that this was intended as a long-run venture.

I think MS has what it takes, they simply need to build on it.


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