- The quality of the sport itself has nothing to do with what\'s going on off the court/field/ice/course/track/whatever.
- Baseball salaries, in terms of the top level salaries have gone down recently, and there have been measures like a luxury tax and increased revenue sharing added.
- Since when do Kobe and ghetto even fit in the same sentence? Just because of this trial doesn\'t mean he acts like some sort of punk. Before this girl accused him of rape, he was one of the cleaner looking players out there outside of maybe his feud with Shaq. And for every AI, there\'s many people like Tim Duncan who carry themselves well and are team players.
- Golf hasn\'t changed any in its perception for a long time with the acception of the impact Tiger had on the sport, which was simply to draw more attention to it, especially from minorities.
- Over the past decade, NASCAR\'s popularity has increased dramatically. There are differences in the tracks beyond shape, which never varied all that much to begin with.
- I don\'t follow F1, so I won\'t comment on that.
- Hockey has many outstanding players, as someone who really watches it will tell you. New players emerge all the time too. Besides, Mario left already, and Gretzky hasn\'t been a super star for a long time. The game has transitioned fine, and I think has only gotten better in a lot of ways. The action is still great, and I still love the sport, and I think the talent hasn\'t decreased at all, but rather increased.
- The NFL...yeah, you\'re right. When a player who CAN\'T WIN gets benched in favor of one who does nothing but win and went to the Pro Bowl, that\'s awful. *sigh* Stop it already. Warner isn\'t that great, and I honestly think you\'re the only one here who thinks he is. And if he IS that great, then it does say something that he\'s sitting...it says how much incredible talent there is in the league today.
Why can\'t an athlete be playing for the love of the game and take a big contract at the same time? In case you haven\'t noticed, there are tons of players in every sport who take less money to go to the team of their choice or to stay with their current team. And even if you don\'t, so what? Why does taking a lot of money mean you love the game any less? People aren\'t gonna say no to money, you wouldn\'t either. Don\'t even try to tell me you would.
And by the way, you didn\'t even mention NCAA basketball or football, where they definitely aren\'t playing for money, and an area representing a good portion of the sports world.
If you ask me, the biggest problem with sports is fans doing exacty what you\'re doing. Ignoring what is good, saying things are problems that if you actually look aren\'t, making stupid assumptions and stereotypes, and basically bashing sports and longing for the "good old days" which weren\'t so good anyway.