Originally posted by Paul2
Sega Saturn - a true next step from the Genesis, but maybe the price tag, hard to program games on, and isn\'t as powerful as psOne lead it to failure.
Actually it wasnt just that.They acted naively.They thought that becuase they were "alone" in the market and that Sony was a newcomer(like Goldstar/Panasonic) they underestimated competition.Sony tried to gain support from developers, and did good marketing.Sega didnt give much attention to that.
The Saturn was also made with 2D games in mind.3D graphics werent exactly the Saturn\'s main sepciality.
Also it was the fact that Sega fans expected to see the return of old classics which were few (WHAT?NO SONIC?
).Also Sega brought mostly arcade games on the Saturn.This worked well in the 16 bit era since simplicty was the gameplay\'s main characteristic but no longer in the 32 bit generation.You cant build on Arcade franchises like Virtua Cop, Virtal On or Sega Rally on a console that belongs to a generation that shifts to a different (even more complicated) gaming experience.
Also it was the fact that the hardware limitations and programming wouldnt help the Saturn to build on better sequels.Its obvious since Sega continued sequels of their most well known titles on Model3.
No Sega Rally2, No VF3, No VC2, No VO2 etc on Saturn.
and comes the
Sega Dreamcast - yeap, I like it how Sega finally have evolve, but unfortunately, lack of 3rd parties support lead it to failure. Also, in graphic comparisons, ps2, xbox, and nintendo have the upper hands here.
Damn them.They brought such marvelous titles with the DC!!Shenmue was a masterpiece!!Sonic came back with stunning graphics in its time (hell that stage with the tornado still impresses me)!!Not to mention other titles!!And i also had great support at the beginning.They shouldnt have underestimated competition and hasted their product!!
Technologically completely inferior.Couldnt have survived till now.