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Author Topic: So... did you miss me?  (Read 619 times)

Offline SwifDi
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So... did you miss me?
« on: May 20, 2004, 05:01:56 PM »
Ah man... Naturally I want to have this chip on my shoulder and say how I didn\'t care that I was banned and such and such... But I missed the greatest time of posting... So much has been going on, dang I easily missed out on at least 500 SwifDi-quality posts.

First off on my banning... What can I say, rules are rules. It wasn\'t my fault, however accidents happen, I\'m not going to cry about it. In case you haven\'t heard I posted a picture, the guy who was hosting it altered it into something really raunchy I guess and I got boned for it.

Oh, and Lakers are the greatest and Lakers fans are the smartest and most loyal fans in the world!111

Time to get back to some postage.


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