1. Equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. should be something this country prides itself on.
2. Yes, I think in the legal sense they should. I think any religion should have the right to refuse to recognize it or perform it if they so choose though. However, legally, with seperation of church and state, I don\'t see any reason why gays shouldn\'t be allowed to get married the same way straight people are.
3. I think it can be both ways, to an extent. I think some people are just born gay, they only like the same sex their entire lives. However, I think there are other people who are born more bisexual, but due to the way society is, only follow the straight part of that for a time. Then, for whatever reason, be it a positive homosexual experience, a negative heterosexual one, or whatever, they decide to embrace the homosexual part of their sexual desires that they had previously ignored.