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Author Topic: Red Oechestra 3.0: Combined Arms  (Read 678 times)

Offline kyodaibob
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Red Oechestra 3.0: Combined Arms
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:53:12 PM »
I don\'t know how many of you play Unreal Tournament 2004, or any of its mods, but I\'d figure I\'d try to spread the word around anyhoo.

(this is copied and pasted from someone elses post, so don\'t complain at me.) :p  

Red Orchestra Website

Originally posted by Yoshiro

It\'s Here, I think I need a bigger box - posted by Yoshiro 8/21/2004

Download Mirrors
High Quality
(More coming later)
Beyond Unreal
File Planet

Low Quality
Beyond Unreal
File Planet
Frag Zone

The Red Orchestra team is proud to bring you the official trailer for Red Orchestra 3.0: Combined Arms. This trailer comes in both low and high quality and shows many of the new features that are being introduced with the release of RO 3: Combined Arms. Bringing a new level of Historical Realism to the Eastern Front and the gaming community, let us have a look at the treat that awaits you in the coming days.

With new features including:
New and highly interactive maps
New Anti-Tank Weapons
Satchel Explosions

As well as Improved Infantry Mechanics including:
Modeled Iron Sights
Weapon Sway
Streamlined Player Movement
Real Weapon Ballistics
Grenade Duds
Locational Damage Effects
Hand Wound Drops Weapon
Stamina Management

Now what are you doing here still reading this? Get watching already. Mod N Mod also has an interview with several of the key devs, so make sure you check it out! It has all the information you\'ll need. And as always, Discuss it in our Forums


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