I\'m back ya\'ll! I know you all missed me soooo much.
I was in Indiana to look at a college. IPFW.
I also went to Cedar Point. Wow, this is by far the best amusement park i have EVER been to. They have ride called...
"The Dragster" There is no ride on earth that could give you the experience that this ride did. It\'s on tracks, like a roller coaster. BUT! you get up to 120 mph in an instant. You start out on a straight track. Than they have some lights that count down, like a drag race. Than it takes you to 120 mph. after about 20 feet you proceed into a perfect right angle, straight up and down. You go up about 22-26 stories high in the air. Once on the top it pauses fora minute so you can see out across, Ohio and Lake Erie. Than straight back down with a little twist at the end. It lasts about 20 seconds, but wow. It was all worth it.
Theres other roller coasters, but after going on the dragster, they all fell short of what i expected.
Gawd I love roller coasters...