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1. Team America: World PoliceThe Voices of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt StoneOpening: October 15thLet\'s get something straight: this R-rated assault on American decency is not a toon movie. The leading characters -- elite agents out to waste terrorists by any means necessary -- are played by marionettes. That\'s right -- puppets, wooden thingies that can make Ben Affleck\'s acting seem expressive. From its hideout inside Mount Rushmore, the team stomps on everything -- Paris gets damn near destroyed -- in its battle to stop terror. And that\'s not counting the wounds inflicted on Washington hawks and Hollywood liberals, such as Michael Moore. I\'ve only seen teasing bits of this movie -- they\'re having a bitch of a time finishing it for its pre-election release -- but it\'s enough to put it on top of the fall\'s must list. Wise heads decided not to include George W. Bush and John Kerry puppets. Otherwise, wisdom is thankfully inoperative in the rude, crude universe created by South Park writers and directors Trey Parker and Matt Stone. In their 1999 movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Parker and Stone crafted the most hilariously outrageous movie musical ever. It\'s great to see them back on the big screen, skewering hypocrisy for the fun and the hell of it. Is it insulting to the war on fear to present North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il as a Dr. Evil-like character who unites terrorists against Team America? Not if you see the satirical point behind it. Is it nasty to have Team America be attacked by members of FAG (Film Actors Guild), including George Clooney, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon? Not if your sense of humor is still intact. Team America takes on political sacred cows in an era when boat-rocking is deemed unpatriotic. Boy, do we need it now.
Originally posted by THX In a similar turn of events, I now think this movie is fvckin ghey because puppets are fagz.
Originally posted by THX http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2646490 - last one Good stuff. I will mos def see dis shiznat.