I don\'t agree with the Xbox only titles. Sure have some xbox only titles, but it\'s pretty unfair to pc users to have to go out and buy a xbox for a game which could easily be on pc. Even more so when these games like KOTOR, Halo etc are more pc orientated in game play then consoles, being the mouse and keyboard combo is far easier to use then a control pad. The type of games that should be console exclusive are the ones that started on consoles, not pcs. That being anything other then 3rd person / FPS games. Fighters, Racers, Sports wack em on consoles have some exclusive, but 3rd person and fps games is just going way to far.
M$ aren\'t stupid, they know theres a MASSIVE pc market, if they turn there back on pc gamers (when the fps / 3rd person genre started on pc) they\'d lose a lot of respect (what little they have)
If anyone shouldn\'t be getting this type of genre. Its consoles, not pcs.