Im not so up-to-date but some things that were mentioned on the news yesterday (benefits FOR Turkey). Im not so sure what benefits we will get, other then a larger more powerful EU.
Turkey will get an economical boost, they are already having one but entering the EU will bring the economy up even more.
Economical aid, Turkey will receive much aid from the other EU countries (my country is currently paying more to the EU then what its getting back in forms of regional aid and farming aid).
An more open Turkey, the people of Turkey fear if they are rejected the fundamentalists in Turkey will get a boost, so the popular hatin’ of the western world will rise. Currently 70% of the Turkish population is for a EU membership.
They also feel that democratic reforms will be easier to introduce once they are a member, Turkey has already tried hard to improve its record in order to become a member.
Turkey has a high degree of unemployment, if Turkey becomes a member of the European Union they people will be albe to travel freely within EUs boarders, this should make it easier to find work abroad. (This has negative effects as well, this way criminals will be harder to track, this is something we’ve seen where I live. Ever since the Baltic nations, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined several groups of people from these countries have been arrested on charges for burglary, robbery etc. One league managed to break into 80 villas before being caught.)