In a recent interview with IGN Xbox, Team Ninja head Tomonobu Itagaki hinted that the renowned Japanese developer is planning at least one game for either the PS3 or Nintendo Revolution.
IGN: You\'ve been a big supporter of Xbox and, from what we hear, will be heavily behind Xbox 2 as well. Do you have any plans to make games for PS3 or Nintendo Revolution?
Itagaki: I should be able to talk about that soon. I promise.
Though there\'s no hint if this would be an original game or one of Team Ninja\'s franchises (DOA and Ninja Gaiden), it seems likely that an announcement awaits either PS3 or Revolution\'s official unveiling.
Itagaki has repeatedly said he has stuck with Xbox because it\'s the most powerful system available. Should that change with the next generation, perhaps so will Team Ninja\'s loyalties.
We\'ll keep sniffing and get you more on this story as soon as possible.
The InterviewTeam Ninja is NOT full of idiots...
Edited for my Cuban lover Ginko----------------------------------------------------
The InterviewIGN Xbox: We know about a number of Team Ninja projects in the works (Code Cronus, DOA 4, Ninja Gaiden 2). What order can we expect them in? Which is next?
Itagaki: DOA 4 is the main project for now. Without DOA4, there will be no Ninja Gaiden2, DOAX2 or Cronus.
IGN Xbox: What aspects of the Dead or Alive series do you want to change? In other words, what can we expect from DOA 4?
Itagaki: Increased soothing sensation. Sensation for the intellect and visual sense.
IGN Xbox: Some people love the reversal system, others aren\'t big fans. Will reversals be changed at all in DOA 4?
Itagaki: DOA is made for people who love DOA. This is my answer.
IGN Xbox: You\'ve introduced new characters in both DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball and Ninja Gaiden. Any chance that these characters will appear in DOA 4?
Itagaki: Anything is possible. I just came out of a planning meeting where we talked about this exact issue.
IGN Xbox: DOA 2 had in-game cut-scenes for endings and DOA 3 had some awesome CG movie endings. Which will we get for DOA 4?
Itagaki: I\'m going to make a pre-rendered ending movie. It\'s going to be really good. I\'ll be in China next month to photograph some locations for Lei Fang\'s ending CG.
IGN Xbox: How will the arenas differ in DOA 4? Will they be larger? More interactive? Will they affect a fight even more than they do now?
Itagaki: Of course, more interactive environments. This is our main theme. Not only [will] the reaction be different, but the action itself will be different.
IGN Xbox: Ever since DOA 2, we\'ve been begging for four-player action, with four characters in one arena at the same time. Will DOA 4 answer our prayers?
Itagaki: I would love to do that!
IGN Xbox: One of the great aspects of DOA 2 and DOA Ultimate were all of the unlockable costumes. DOA 3 didn\'t really have any unlockables. Will DOA 4 feature a lot of unlockables? Will they just be costumes or other things? And can you maybe give us an estimate on how many costumes and arenas to expect this time out?
Itagaki: As you\'re expecting...
IGN Xbox: When will we get our first look at DOA 4?
Itagaki: When it\'s most effective for many reasons.
IGN Xbox: Now that Dead or Alive Ultimate is out, how do you feel about the final product?
Itagaki: I think it turned out really nice. Weren\'t you surprised by the online feature?
IGN Xbox: Definitely. I was also surprised you chose to bring back Hitomi but not Brad Wong or Christie. Why is that?
Itagaki: Because I like Hitomi the best.