Nice article, makes you think. Though I have to say a war on terrorism is a good idea. I see terrorism as a growing problem, stuff on this scale didn\'t happen in our parents\' time. Now people are getting their hands on cheap assault weapons, intimidating others through fear. That should be put to an end once and for all.
If anything the US\'s reaction to 9/11 in the middle east will have any would-be terrorist thinking twice before bombing a building or hijacking a plane on American soil. Now if a group of men attempt to hijack a passenger plane, people sitting down will be more than willing to put up a fight rather than letting the hijcakers have their way (2 true stories of this happening post-9/11,
here\'s one).
I don\'t think we should write terrorism off as a low or medium priority. Bombs are getting smaller and deadlier while cities are getting more dense and populated all the time.