And here\'s the Battle Creek remake, Beaver Creek(it was also titled this in the HaloPC map files, by the way):
There are also some Single Player Campaign shots that accidently stumbled upon that look just... Absolutely
incredible. Do any of you recall that scene in the game described by the recent XBN and EGM mags, the part where you\'re traveling across a damaged bridge in a Scorpion Tanks with some Marines, shooting down Ghosts \'n\' other Covenant badstuff along the way?... That\'s one of the images I saw, and I was simply stunned.
HALO 2 = The most visually outstanding console game of this year, IMO. Single Player Campaign looks incredible. Multiplayer visuals are no slouch either, but I\'ve just been continually wowed by what little I\'ve seen of Single Player Campaign so far.