Originally posted by unfocused
Maybe he turned around after he saw him and got the camera. I don\'t know.
I doubt it, looking from the screenshot, it looks like he is doing the triathlon challenge from Santa Maria beach.
I\'ve tried that triathlon challenge myself, and when I was on the bike, I was paying no attention to the roadside whatsoever. When you are on the bikes in the triathlon challenge, you fly along at a highly unrealistic high speed. All I was focusing on, was the red markers in the distance.
If by any chance, he did see it out of the corner of his eye, by the time he\'d have turned around and backtracked, I\'m pretty sure it would have not been there anymore, as naturally, the so called
real bigfoot is supposed to be camera shy.
Then add to that, the fact that by some amazing coincidence, the guy happened to have his camera set up in the first place, almost as if he was expecting it, it\'s just too much of a coincidence for me to think it\'s genuine.
Having said that, I\'m not saying it doesn\'t exist, only the game designers know that for sure.