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Author Topic: Bill Gates Signs UNESCO Agreement  (Read 548 times)

Offline Evi

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Bill Gates Signs UNESCO Agreement
« on: November 18, 2004, 03:08:49 PM »
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates signed a cooperation agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), expressing a commitment to work with the U.N. on increasing computer literacy in poor countries.

 The agreement includes several other objectives as well, including teacher training goals, wider corporate adoption of technology in developing countries, and greater access to the Internet.

Under the agreement, Microsoft will work directly with UNESCO to create initiatives that meet these aims.

New Developments

Microsoft\'s interest in developing nations is not surprising, Yankee Group analyst Laura DiDio told NewsFactor. Like many other companies, Microsoft has realized that less-developed parts of the world present a barely tapped market for technology.

"Everyone is looking at the challenges in countries like Russia, or regions like Asia Pacific," she said. "They present significant problems."

In working toward the goals of the agreement, UNESCO and Microsoft will have to navigate cultural differences. This is already being addressed, in part, by a section of the agreement that includes a goal to provide access to technology in a way that preserves the language and culture of each country.

Against the Penguin

The UNESCO agreement also could give Microsoft leverage in combating wider Linux adoption in places like Europe and China, some have speculated.

Microsoft representatives, including Gates, have been busy flying around the world to persuade governments and corporations to use Microsoft rather than Linux.

"Microsoft doesn\'t want to lose these customers before they even get them," said DiDio. She added that besides the public relations campaign, Microsoft has also implemented price breaks and product tweaks for developing countries in an attempt to boost adoption.

Shiny Image

Gates, in particular, has also been personally involved in development issues through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The charitable organization has given sizable financial donations to causes like fighting AIDS and reducing malaria.

Although Gates is careful to distance his charitable work from his professional aims, DiDio said the Foundation fits in well with Gates\' demeanor in the last few years.

"He wants to show that Microsoft can be a benevolent force," she said. "This is a total about-face for Gates, and Microsoft, from even just five years ago."

The Article

Microsoft is actually trying to do something nice with their money for a change
« Last Edit: November 18, 2004, 03:10:24 PM by Evi »


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