Yeah Right
GOVERNMENT SOURCES TELL NBC News an informant warned U.S. Customs a month ago that an organized group with ties to Iraq was buying thousands of PlayStations from toy stores in Detroit. [/u]
Government sources and informants, sounds like a really poorly throughout bit of propaganda. I mean, if Iraq really wanted that much tech, they\'d build a linux cluster and wouldn\'t bother around with mere toys. More likely this story was leaked by the Fed government as a way to get Iraq back into the news and get the masses of American\'s to hate them, blaming the PS2 shortage on Iraq and not Sony. Sony even said there wouldn\'t be enough PS2 to go around.
On a separate note, the story states, "Experts claim that the computer chip and 3-D video processor in a PlayStation are one thousand times more powerful than the most sophisticated computer on the consumer market today — turning toys, into potential weapons." Must be some really dumb experts.