Please elect me for Dictator of the United States of America.
Criminals will be publicly humiliated. Death Row Inmates will be hanged in public and televised on Fox TV right after The Simpsons.
All women, and I mean ALL WOMEN, who are physically able, will be forced to exercise and tone their bodies. They must wear mini skirts and no tops. Fat ones will be forced at gun point to get on the tread mill at various wheat farms to grind out flour.
NASCAR will be destroyed and replaced with World Rally Racing.
Vegans and vegitarians will be part of the food group - FOR OMNIVORES TO CONSUME. It\'s only natural that herbivores be eaten.
I will have the Mexican/American Canal built. Mexicans will call it a moat....I call it a canal.
They can bitch about it with Canada, the 51st State.