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Author Topic: Lego anyone?  (Read 1255 times)

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Lego anyone?
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2005, 11:30:04 AM »
Originally posted by MPTheory
yeah, I was just building walls hitting th + and enter key over and over so I would miss somties and it would pop that message up.  I was all alone building by myself.... It was, actually great because some moron didnt show up and start bashing my place to bits.  That always pisses me off.

Yeah, that is pretty annoying. Luckily, there\'s an option to turn off damage to bricks and/or people.

Only thing for me, is that when I try to make a server now, it lets me, but other people can\'t see or join it.

Someone make a server and post the name of it here, and let me see if I can see it. That way, I can tell if it\'s only me.
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Lego anyone?
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2005, 09:35:09 PM »
Here is my experience with the game, mindblowing..or not.

\"So are you going to kill her off?\"
Are you insane! I love her character, she stays.
\"The only thing loves done is put you in this position, I say kill her off!\"
Yeah, but you say a lot of things..
and how does that work....  You\'re a bicycle..



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