we get his ashes back in a week or so. I\'m gonna get a nice urn and put it on the windowsill where he used to sit in the sun.
What happened is this. I took him to the vet 2 days before we left for a skin rash. They gave him a shot of cortisone, and prescribed an antibiotic. That messed his stomach up so bad that he didn\'t eat the whole time I was gone. His liver shut down, and he became jaundiced. I walked through my door at 12:30 am, after travelling all day, and he didn\'t even look up. He was as limp as a noodle. I rushed him to the emergency vet, and they said it was too late. They said if they admitted him, hooked up IV \'s, and force-fed him, there was a 20% chance he would make it. That would also cost a couple thousand dollars. (not that it mattered) I knew how much he hated the vet\'s, so I didn\'t want to put him through it. Man, it was so hard to say goodbye to him. Poor little bugger.