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The gameplay clips, which looked to be all realtime, blew us away. Imagine Dynasty Warriors but with no fog, no visual barricades, perfect image quality and hundreds of detailed enemies on screen simultaneously. Now picture that running at sixty frames per second, and that is Ninety Nine Nights. One jaw-dropping scene in the trailer showed an explosion, with hundreds of characters being smoothly tossed into the air. Judging by the trailer, the feel of a massive battle will be perfectly captured in Ninety Nine Nights....At the press conference, Mizuguchi introduced Ninety Nine Nights\' director, Phantagram CEO Sang Youn Lee. Through a translator, Lee, who seemed to be a bit overwhelmed at speaking before a crowd of a few hundred people, commented that, as this was his first collaboration, he was a bit worried, but the game is progressing well. The Xbox 360 is more powerful than his team had originally been expecting, he disclosed.
The gameplay clips, which looked to be all realtime