I got this from a different forum...
Jay leno said...
"Michael Jackson is so happy with the verdict when he got back to Neverland Ranch he gave all the cleaning monkeys the rest of the day off," he riffed. "Thank God, now Michael can go back to being just another regular guy. Watch the game, have a brewsky."
Another few that are good.. some generic jokes
Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson\'s latest record?
A: "Feel the World."
Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson\'s latest song?
A: "Don\'t let your son go down on me."
Q: What\'s Michael Jackson\'s favorite nursery rhyme?
A: Little Boy Blew.
Q: What did Michael Jackson say when a boy in a car mooned him going down the road?
A: "I\'ll be there!"
Q: What did Michael Jackson say to Lorena Bobbit?
A: "SILLY Bobbit! Dicks are for KIDS!"
Q: What do Michael Jackson and Miss Bobbit have in common?
A: They both played with little wieners.
Q: Why did Michael Jackson get kicked out of the school cafeteria?
A: Because he ate all the kids\' wieners
Q: What do Michael Jackson and an xbox have in common?
A: Both get turned on by kids!!!
Q: What do Michael Jackson and Dr. Spock have in common?
A: They both know how to rear a child.
Q: Why\'s Michael trying out for the NBA?
A: He\'s a crack shooter.
Q: What\'s Micheal Jackson\'s Chinese name?
A: Melikeemyoung.
Q: What do Michael Jackson and Walmart have in common?
A: They both have small boys pants at half off!
Q: Why isn\'t all the controversy bothering Michael?
A: He doesn\'t mind reaching bottom.
Q: Who\'s Michael Jackson\'s favorite poet?
A: Emily Dick in son.
Q: What did Michael Jackson yell when he fell off the boat?
A: Throw me the bouy!!
Q: Who does Michael Jackson consider a perfect "10"?
A: Two 5 year olds.
Q: How do we know Michael is guilty?
A: Several children have fingered him.