I never took the movie seriously, because its an alien invasion movie
So just like anothe member said, check your brain in at the door, and you\'ll be fine. Too many people want every single thing in a movie to be real and have 0 holes in the story but fail to realize that this is simply fantasy. The groaning over Revenge of the Sith dialogue (what do you expect ouf of a movie that starts with "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"???) to [sp]How Tom\'s son survived[/sp] is out of hand IMO
Some people wanted a realistic alien invasion movie. Sorry, never gonna happen.
Originally posted by hyper
[sp] the cause of the "reverse storms" in the beginning,
For wondering about this you should be watching television on the level of Spongebob Squarepants, not a
smart:rolleyes: "alien invasion movie" or so says a certain member of these boards
BTW, I left the movie theater wanting more, I felt like I was robbed almost. Not cool for a movie to let you down like that. The ending was neither happy nor sad. As I always say, the ending of a movie matters alot in how good it is