It\'s certainly interesting to see how he can package socialist / communist ideas and sell them to the drooling masses....let\'s take "real" money away from the people who actually buy things, and give it to the uneducated / "downtrodden"... I\'m sure that once everyone is financially equal, those who were robbing, stealing, murdering, raping, dealing crack, dealing meth, throwing babies out of cars, etc will "RISE UP"! Oh Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Free at last! Free at last!
Hold on, there\'s an African American breaking into my garage to steal my shitty weed-whacker. Nevermind...
Better go to work now, so the government can fix his "illness" on my dime.
BTW, that shitty cop who wrote the "jungle monkey" email is a racist idiot. In my experience, cops are mostly not very bright people. Even when I have to hire them for escorts, and they are providing a service for me, I hardly ever walk away with a good impression. And I believe it would take a very special person to be able to deal with that job and not profile EVERYBODY. Where I work, the cops have an advanced computer/camera system that scans license plates and allows cops to tell within seconds if the car is correct, the reg is current, and if the vehicle is insured. They park it right in front of where I work (on the city line) and stop people all day long. Now there\'s a group here that are calling it "racial profiling", because an overwhelming majority of those ticketed/arrested are Afri. Americans.
Its seems to me that the racial divide in this country will never be solved. It reminds me of the Jewish - Palestinian problem. Too many variables involved.