The acid joke, say what you will, but his impression of an Alien is spot on. That a human can look so much like Alien from the movie is hilarious.
Something else I found. Even to read it makes me laugh: I was a scared little kid, and the thing I was most scared of was Kool-Aid. Remember the commercials for Kool-Aid? That big talking bowl of punch comes crashing through your wall... OH YEAHHH!!! OHHH YEAHHHH!!!! And all the little kids on the commerical are like, "Haaa haa haaaa!" And I\'m in my living room, like "RUNNN! GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE!" And they are drinking out of him after he crashed through the wall and asbestos and lead paint fell in him...If that were me, I wouldn\'t drink out of him, I\'d be like "YOU FIX THAT WALL BEFORE MY DAD GETS HOME FROM WORK! He\'s gonna beat me with a belt, he\'s not gonna believe a talking bowl of fruit punch came crashing into here!" Yeah crashing through the wall is real cool, USING THE FRONT DOOR IS COOL!"