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Author Topic: Random..Splinter Cell question  (Read 948 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Random..Splinter Cell question
« on: December 14, 2005, 11:47:27 PM »
I bought the first one when it came out (on pc) and loved it. Then a friend of mine got pandora tomorrow when it came out on xbox, so i played it at his place. I hated it so much on console that i just dismissed the game and stopped thinking about splinter cell all together.

Was just a piece of sh*t compared to PC and bored the crap out of me.

BUT..my brother and I found a stack of old tom clancy games (rainbow six..rogue spear..urban ops..ghost recon..splinter cell 1) and i decided to install a few of them and realized how awesome splinter cell was then..the newest one, chaos theory, should be awesome.

So my question is is it worth getting pandora tomorrow AND chaos theory? Mainly to keep up with story line..but i heard pandora tomorrow wasnt that good so maybe its not worth getting and i skip right to chaos theory?

I cant even point out what i hated about pandora tomorrow on xbox..i cant stand those kind of games on console (aiming and walking annoy me on them), but the mercenaries on multiplayer was dumb to me, the gadgets were not that spiffy. Id mainly use it for single player so maybe that wont be a problem..
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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 12:34:22 AM »
U can get pandora tomorrow just for the shake of having all 3.   But Chaos Theory was the best they\'ve done so far. Very cool game.
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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2005, 05:30:16 AM »
I got about halfway through pandora tomorrow and quit.  I was fairly enjoyable, but it just kinda got old after a while.  I\'ll probably pick up chaos theory if I can find it cheap.

Offline Knotter8
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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2005, 05:37:11 AM »
I\'m a SC (single player campaign) freak.

Here\'s the SC games i have and how i rank them each ;

- SC1 on Xbox : score 95 ; The best sc imo.
Make sure you DO play the Kola & Vselka add on missions disk ! It should be available on cdrom.

- SC1 on PC : score 87 ; I like the Xbox controller better for this game. Shadows don\'t render on my 6800GT :mad:  since Uni never bothered to patch it for NV40 support. Lame.

SC1 on PS2 : score 85 ; the enemy AI seems better than Xbox and PC versions ! :eek: This port looks graphically OK, but suffers serious framerate issues. Too bad.

- SC PT on Xbox : score 88 ; overall a little less than SC1 but standout missions like \'Jerusalem level\' make it a great game. Controls have been altered a little more intuitive since SC1.

- SC PT on PS2 : score 90 ; even if you have played PT on Xbox or PC, make sure you play the PS2 version becuz they altered quite some levels with surprisingly great  results !

- SC Chaos Theory on PC : score 90 ; This should have been the best ever SplinterCell game. Unfortunately that\'s not the case imho. More open ended gameplay shows potential but just ends up feeling like it\'s geared a bit more to mainstream gamers. Expert mode is not THAT tough. It\'s somewhere between the \'normal\' and \'hard\' levels from SC1.

Graphics are, even today, superb if you do realize the realtime lighting/softshadowing + shaders are way more taxing on the graphics card than for example HalfLife2 non HDR version. Of course this is only true when you opt for the shader model 3 HDR mode in SC CT.

Personally I prefer Logitech\'s dual analogue stick gamepad over the mouse key + board. Sneaking succesfully avoids having to shoot and aim often.

So, yeah I definately recommend SC Chaos Theory on PC and Xbox.

- The just announced SC4 Double Agent ; I was VERY sceptic about it, still am actually.

The new screenshots and info make a little more sense. I would wait for the next gen versions of this game. (it\'s also coming on current gen systems)
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2005, 09:17:06 AM »
Actually, looking at screenshots of SC4 is what got me thinking i should buy the other 2. Like why the guy in prison is important, or if that is sam fisher, etc.
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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2005, 04:24:16 AM »
I got Pandorra Tomorrow with my GeForce FX5700. It\'s very very liniear, but I haven\'t really played any other Cell games to compare it with. The graphics are hot and some of the little humour bits are memorable. I especially like that part where you grabbed the enemy and tried to interrogate them and then they say "I .. I don\'t speak english." ^-^

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2005, 03:09:08 PM »
Have a problem:

I bought splinter cell: chaos theory yesterday. It was the last one and the box was kinda messed up so i got some money off but he said the game is brand new and what-not..so i bought it (best buy didnt even have it). Installed it today and it asked for the Disc Key, so i typed in the number that was on the back of the manual. One idea is that because the box was messed up, he went in the back of the store doing whatever and im not sure if he got a manual to a different game and didnt think about the cd-key.

BUT, theres an option to check the disc and it had the same cd-key..so that idea is out the window. The information i get from the cd check is:

Dear User!

This file contains detailed information on the problem occurred.
Save the file and forward it to your product Customer Support.
Web page: http://support.ubi.com
------------------------------ Information ------------------------------
[Error Information]; 3037; ES:0
[Protected Product Information]
CompanyName    =  UBISOFT
ProductName    =  Splinter Cell Chaos Theory PC DVD
BuildSignature =, 02.03.05
ProductGuid    =  {05ed0e63-94b6-d9a5-7013-01e7207d10d1}
BuildGuid      =  {4496c225-ecd4-4e2e-9277-a3a9c07ae703}
[Report Information]
ReportDateTime =  Thursday, December 29, 2005 15:08 PM
ClientTimeZone =  Pacific Standard Time
ClientTimeBias =  480

Below the "Error Information" is the cd-key..but i took it out..and i have no idea what the "error" is.

EDIT: nevermind..should probably look at help sites before i post stuff. Guess theres a cd-key on the case (he put the discs in ps2 looking cases instead of what it should come in)..luckily the cd-key is generic. The cd-key on the manual is for online.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2005, 03:25:53 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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Offline Knotter8
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Random..Splinter Cell question
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2005, 03:43:12 PM »
Well, I can only speak for the European region . PC Chaos Theory is DVD only and the Install Key for that version is/should be printed on the DVD itself.

I hope you retreive the (USA) install key then. You might also wanna google StarForce becuz CT, unfortunately, is equiped with this cr@pware.

Sometimes StarForce \'hangs\' my whole pc when i put in the CT DVD so i have to reboot. :mad:
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