Wait a minute... isn\'t it you libs who demand to know everything our government does to fight terrrorism?
I\'m not arguing that terrorist activities and our responses should be kept secret. I\'m questioning our reactions to them.
Why do we have such irrational knee jerk reactions to every perceived terrorist threat? Why do we ban bottles of water and hair gel in airline passenger compartments, while we\'re still not bothering to screen all luggage stored in the cargo hold? We\'re doing this because it reminds people of the big bad scary terrorist threat, and increases their fear of a relatively unlikely attack scenario.
The resulting inconvenience for all airline passengers is a victory for the terrorists. It reminds us that they\'re still out there and makes us reflect on their motivations and goals. I\'m not afraid of them, and I couldn\'t care less about their goals. That\'s for the law enforcement professionals to think about. After foiling this ridiculous plot, the official reaction from the US government should have been