i just went to see this yesterday,..and i gotta be honest,..i agree with core on this one,..if you truly look at it from a gamer\'s perspective, they nailed the atmosphere perfectly, both worlds...the fog & the nightmarish world,..the monsters,...which were a combination of silent hill 1 & 2 were done with picture perfect precision,...and pyramid head?..he was done justice as well,..the movie started off strong and kept a decent pace up until the latter half of the movie where the movie is kinda forced to tell a bit of a background story...
Again core nailed it when he states it\'s huge risk putting a child as a storyteller, but i flet it didn\'t hurt the overall experience,...i felt this flick could\'ve been so much better, but what i seen yesterday, for a videogame translation to movie,..they did a superb job,...and the ending...unless you are aware of the silent hill series,..most silent hill games end in a weird way,..so even tho people in the theatre was like "aw c\'mon wtf?"...even i was a bit dissapointed in the ending, but not because it sucked, but moreso because i really wasn\'t ready for it to end,..and because i know how silent hill games are, that ending suited the movie perfectly and opens the door for another story to be told....