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Author Topic: Wii Video and Media  (Read 8568 times)

Offline FatalXception
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Wii Video and Media
« Reply #90 on: September 21, 2006, 12:20:45 AM »
Water isn\'t wet. Wetness is a description of our experience of water.

Thus wet is a label used in the english language to describe the sensory feeling caused by most liquids.  Arguing that water isn\'t wet is stupid, can\'t really be made a case for.  If you want to ignore the labels that humans have put on things to describe them, you shouldn\'t even be talking English.

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Offline Blade
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Wii Video and Media
« Reply #91 on: September 21, 2006, 06:57:00 AM »
To get back to a throw-away comment I made a week or two ago, I am interested in XB360 and the games you mentioned, Riku.

Just not that much, all things considered. Ninety-Nine Nights might be the GOTY to some people, but to the mainstream gaming press, it\'s a 6.3/10. Likely? Still worth a purchase, but nothing special. Lost Odyssey will probably knock its socks off.
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