while the g80 is more powerful, one must remember that PC develops create games based on lowest common denominator. PC developers cannot tweak and utilize games like they can with closed systems. Take Gears of war for example, show me a pc game that looks as good as it, even though it\'s using a r500 and a power pc core.
It\'s just sad that you spend $600 on g80 knowing that its true power will never be tapped into cause the newer version will be available before that will ever happen, plus the future games always require a much more powerful CPU otherwise you have your GPU idle
I love PC gaming it\'s where my true love for gaming resides. It\'s downside, upgrade, upgrade-$$$$$money, $$$$$$money, $$$$$$money...............
oh and lots of time tweaking and dealing with buggy drivers, half ass finalized games that have to be patched to the wazooo