small update...just picked up avengers #3 by bendis & finch..pretty decent so far, really interested to see where they are going with it especially with spidey in the line up...and yo in avengers#2 spidey got that a$$ whooped! go get it..artworks pretty good more avengers mansion, they all meet at tony starks enterprises, which is his high rise complex bldg...
also coped x23...she\'s supposed to be wolverine\'s daughter or somehow these scientists got hold of wolverines dna to somehow create her.(too much to explain here but it\'s along those lines) anyway it\'s ok so far, but as with any title that an origin issue it\'s starting off pretty slow, it\'s to be expected i guess for the first few issues,..judgement is still out on this one..billy tan\'s artwork is decent enough to hold my attention, so i\'ll see how this pan\'s out...
phoenix\'s endsong?..i think that\'s the name anyway i have #1 & 2 and the story\'s interesting, but how many times are they gonna keep bringing jean grey back? s**t is not even funny anymore,..everytime she comes back the xmen say "we have to kill\'s not jean" :rolleyes:...i\'ll stick with it to see where it goes but this plotline has been done over so many times it\'s pathetic...keep that biatch dead...or don\'t kill her in the first place..
ugh i hate to say that i picked up superman by jim lee and sadly this book is one of thee most boring titles i\'ve ever read...i\'ve only stayed with it this far only because of lee\'s artwork and nothing else,..very dissapointing..
lastly i picked wolverines "the end" book #5 this was the last book in this story line and i don\'t know who the artist is but he reminds me of john buscema\'s artwork <------he\'s oldschool for those in the know
anyway good storyline that showed that wolverine had an older brother and how they became enemies yet there was still a sense of how they still cared if either one died..kinda hard to explain that without sounding gay...anywayt great story and great book, i\'d recommend this one....get the back issues of that one as well...
also picked up superman/darkness crossover... not bad i guess but this getting way too long so i\'ll cut this one short...judgement is still out on this one as well
and i coped the hulk/darkness crossover, and even tho it was a one shot, i felt i could\'ve wrote a way more better story, just seemed rushed all around... keowns artwork (PITT) ok but it doesn\'t save the comic from it\'s crappy storyline....that\'s all for now...