i have had for a lil while a hdtv, at the moment, i have it running in hd 1080p onthe leads that comes witht he xbox, i do also have vga leads ( joytech i think). when i plug that in, instead of asking for 1080p/i etc, it has something along the lines of the resolution, lie say 1200 x 700 ( i made those numbers up, so prob are not correct!)
would it be better in vga??
or is it god enough on the hd leads for the xbox, or are there some even better hd leads to make it look better??
sorry i havent really looked into this all that much, ive only just relised my tv take 1080p, it only says up to 1080i on the box.... but plays 1080 p
also if you could sat why the leads are better, would be most appriciated!
thank you