y\'know reading info from iraq on a daily basis can really be depressing....and all fingers point to bush for this unforgiving scenario....but just take a look at the pics on the side of this article...it shows iraqi\'s celebrating and holding up the helmets of british soldiers that were killed in a roadside bomb....i know that there are some iraqi\'s that really do want us there for security, and even tho i don\'t think we should\'ve gone in from the jump, when i see s**t like that, i think we should just leave and let them fend for themselves...
http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/04/06/iraq.main/index.htmland those polititians that are goin\' over there and talking about how it\'s getting better *John Mccain*....:rolleyes:....they are living in a f**kin dreamworld...Mccain had over 100 soldiers around him and in the vicinity around him and like 5 helicopters flying overhead......yeah things are gettin\' better alright...:thumb:...........:rolleyes: