Sorry but I have been MIA (kidnapped by GigaShadow and Mossad, I killed them all but spared Giga). So I missed out on all the fun.
Very impressed by the PS3. So far I have 5 games.
Resistance and Motorstorm which I got for launch (actually, I got them waaay before launch, import from Canada, but as I didnt have a PS3 they were impossible to play, I tried my PS2 and my PC.)
Very impressed by MotorStorm. Probably the out of the box most fun game in a long ass time. However, the game is flawed in many ways, especially in multiplayer, but those are being patched I heard.
Resistance - I was very sceptical about this game for a long time. All the videos I saw had the old tired RUN AND GUNZ LAWLZ gameplay in them, but I decided to give it a shot anyway. I\'m glad I did since the game is all kinds of HAWT. The singleplayer really REALLY took after a few missions. And the multiplayer is very impressive, 40 player multiplayer with my lag.
Later I got the following games.
For my birfday F1 CE – I wonder where all the hate came from, caus this game is very good. I never liked the F1 games before I beta-tested the PS2 version online. So I was interested in CE but never got it, until my birfday came along. So in short, pretty graphics, 30fps which is a minus.. Plus is that its stable 30fps, fun gaymeplay for being a F1 game (I perfer slower road safe Volvos). Multiplayer is fun IF you drive with crashes off.. Otherwise you will be assraped and have a rectal inspection in no-time. Some A-hole will forget to break and force his DICK up YOUR ASS (be advised FOX viewers, this post is filled with HOMO SEX U A L references, WE can not GUARANTEE you this poster is a freedom-loving Israel-supporting HOMO-hating christian.)
Later because I was bored and wanter a real sports game – Virtua Tennis 3, my first SEGA game in a long ass time. Why? First SEGA game in a long time that does not SUCK.
Good game but I KNEW those SEGA-fooktards would screw it up somehow. So what did they do this time? MAKE THE GAME SOUND BLOOD-GOODLY AWEFUL. The sound in this game is terrible. Since I dont like to play with hysterical Japanese-trying-to-be-american RAWK AND ROLL I turned the music off. What greeted me instead of nice soundeffects? MUSLIM-LOVING soundeffects, thats what. The sound from the tennisplayers feet are really really bad. Really fooking bad.
Oblivion – Yeah yeah, I put 51-52 hours into the PC version.. But since all this talk of Shivering Isles I got the urge to play this game again. So I installed it on my PEZE and was greeted by HORRIBLE performance. Framskips all over the place, I had to lower the graphics quite a bit and turn off HDR.. I was forced to play the game in a non-native american resolution, WHICH I HATE. Especially on LCDs.
So I checked out the Gametrailers Oblivion PS3 vs Xboxthreeshitty videos, and saw that.. in fact.. my PS3 outraped my PC. So I decided to get the PS3 version and dump the PC version. And I\'m very happy to have made that choice. PS3 version runs better and looks better. So far Im logging 70+ hours on PS3.
PSN titles. I have bought a few, too lazy to list them all. But fl0w was very nice, also Super Rub a Dub, a nice demo for the SIXAXIS.
Blu-Ray playback looks ace on my TV. Very happy about that, hard going back to regular sucky DVDs after having sucked the blu-cock.
And.. what else? Ah, some CHICKS with PICKS.
Yes, I am drunk.. and perhaps a little gay.. and feeling a little pro-israel.. Forgive me.