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Author Topic: Sony better not do this...  (Read 1499 times)

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Sony better not do this...
« on: July 13, 2007, 08:09:33 PM »
I think that would be kinda lame if they pulled a stunt like this...i hope it\'s not true, cause if it is, even with the AAA games slowly startin to come down the pike, i think they can kiss whatever exclusives they were holdin\' onto goodbye....read...

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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 08:23:08 PM »
wasn\'t sony already losing 40$ a console before the first cut?
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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 08:58:03 PM »
like I\'ve always said I\'ll never pay more than $399 for a console... I\'m guessing it\'s gonna be years before the ps3 gets down to this price.

Oh well

 (oh, and this will be pretty shitty if the price goes back up again.. I don\'t care what old game they pack in with it)

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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2007, 09:30:24 PM »
who are the marketing geniuses at sony? they are shooting themselves in the foot! whoever heard of marking down your product,..*correction* phasing out your product only to jack the price back up to where consumers are wary to buy?!... regardless of the extra game and extra space, that s**t is just retarded...some are sayin\' after they sell out of the 60 gig model that the new 80 gig model will go down to 499....which is pure speculation.

I used to joke about how ms was fumblin\' all over the place with their different packages...now sony is following right in their footsteps, they should\'ve stayed with the 60 gig version and be done with it, who cares if ms has a 120 gig version, 60 gig is more than enough,....and that price drop was really starting to have people think that the guys at sony know that 600 bucks was a bit high....nope! they think that by phasin\' this model out and keeping at 499, that people all of a sudden are going to go and purchase this thing....newsflash....499 is still incredibly stiff for a gaming system, wow sony is really just screwing themselves this generation, and they are not thinkin\' about the consumer at all....
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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2007, 10:27:22 PM »
100 bucks for 20 gigs? screw that. Would be a lot smarter to skip the 80 gig and just stay with the cheaper 60 gig model. I really doubt the 80 gig will drop in price any time soon after its release. They already have to know that their high prices are dragging down the system...why go back to the higher price...

But this whole "cheaper for a limited time" would work a lot better in their favor if they had some games for the system. I\'d hop on the cheaper 60gig right now before they sold out if there were more games to play on it
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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2007, 12:34:05 AM »
I don\'t know how true this is, but what would happen if ms strategically did this?...:eek:...i think those sony marketers would jump out of the window...it would truly be "game over" for them and the 360 would widen it\'s lead and crush sony almost completely....

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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 09:50:55 AM »
going by all the typo\'s in that website, I\'d need more sources to believe it
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Sony better not do this...
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2007, 09:50:57 AM »
going by all the typo\'s in that website, I\'d need more sources to believe it
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