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Author Topic: Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)  (Read 2841 times)

Offline Toxical
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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2002, 11:37:13 AM »
Thank god i didn\'t get the game, i read both IGN and Gamespot reviews, and was thinking which one to believe, but it appears to be a less then buy-able game. Rent-it.

Offline Damien8086
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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2002, 11:42:30 AM »
The reviews on gamespot werent all that bad. Sounds like the game has some camera problems and some of the indoor levels are a bit boring, but it also sounds like a really good game graphically and the outdoor levels sound like a lot of fun. It also sounds like after you beat the game, there is reason to go back and play through it again because of all of the secrets that can be uncovered.

If I get it, I\'ll definitely be getting the XBox version which has an extra villian and an extra level. The gamespot reviews make it sound as if the PS2 version is the worst of the three with Xbox being the best and GC being in the middle.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2002, 05:08:48 AM »
Originally posted by Damien8086
The reviews on gamespot werent all that bad. Sounds like the game has some camera problems and some of the indoor levels are a bit boring, but it also sounds like a really good game graphically and the outdoor levels sound like a lot of fun. It also sounds like after you beat the game, there is reason to go back and play through it again because of all of the secrets that can be uncovered.

If I get it, I\'ll definitely be getting the XBox version which has an extra villian and an extra level. The gamespot reviews make it sound as if the PS2 version is the worst of the three with Xbox being the best and GC being in the middle.

From what I understand, the PS2 version suffers from the usual problems (jaggies, dull textures,etc), thus making it the worst. The Xbox version has the extra level / villian and runs at a brisk 60fps, therefor making it the best and the GC looks better than the PS2 but lacks the Xbox extra\'s, so putting it right in the middle.


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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2002, 05:41:16 AM »
how does it compare to Superman 64??


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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2002, 08:45:05 AM »
Superman 64 was AWESOME!!!!! Damn, I\'ve never had such a hard time controlling a game character, it was, in a word, revolutionary! I almost smashed the N64 controller to the nearest wall, but it was too well attached to the showcase stand. And I would\'ve had to pay for the stuff I broke... bah, they should\'ve paid me for trying out that game!
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Offline Tom
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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2002, 03:30:30 PM »
Well, I just rented it for PS2, and so far, it\'s great. I know it\'s gonna be short, but there is some replay value. You earn points depending on your performance during a level, and you use those points to purchase secrets and cheats. Since you can replay a level, you can try for more points once you have already beaten the game.

Also, nobody has mentioned that Bruce Campbell has a cameo. He narrates your training missions and teaches you about certain techniques and stuff. The voice talent isn\'t incredible, but it\'s still pretty good.

All in all, if you\'re a die hard Spider-Man fan, like myself, then you might consider buying it. It\'s actually kinda hard (I blame that on the camera!), so you\'ll be at it for awhile.

My rating?  7.5/10.:)

Be sure to rent first, even if you are a SM fan!

P.S.- I can\'t wait for the movie.:D
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Offline Tom
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Here\'s some Replay Value for PS2 owners:
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2002, 03:45:03 PM »
To unlock Green Goblin the easy way:

First enter the cheat, ARACHNID or IMIARMAS to unlock all levels.

Start a new game and select the hero difficulty.

Once the level begins, pause the game and select exit to main menu.

Go to the Level Warp, and select Conclusion. After the Conclusion FMV finishes, press Circle to go back to the main menu again, this time go to the secret store, and you will have unlocked all secret costumes, including the Green Goblin. Now, turn the Green Goblin costume on, and start a new game, DO NOT SELECT \'YES\' WHEN IT ASKS YOU IF YOU WANT TO RESET BONUS POINTS. SELECT NO. When the level begins you will be able to play as the Green Goblin, without having to had beaten the entire game on HERO difficulty.

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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2002, 04:48:58 PM »
Its not a great game; but 5 out of 10? Thats a bit harsh. I have been waiting for this game for a LONG time but based on LIC\'s review I decided to rent instead of buy. IMO, THe game has some really fun moments. Of course, the camera leaves much to be desired and some levels are downright snooze worthy. Still I have not played a game that captured what it felt like to be Spiderman so well. Toby\'s One-liners were ok. After hearing them for the 12-14 time you tend to drown them out.

Personally, I loved the outside missions. The lock-on camera took some getting used to. I don\'t see how they could have pulled off those kinds of aerial battles without the camera though.

I\'d give the game a 7 out of 10. Its fun but only as a rental. I could definately see myself getting bored with it by monday. Thank God for Blockbuster.
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Offline Raz The Friggin Grea
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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2007, 03:43:17 PM »
Yea, 5 out of 10 is harsh. I played it once and thought it was a solid 5.5
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Offline Paul2

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Spider-Man: The Movie Review (GC)
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2007, 04:04:51 PM »
you resurrected your own thread that you posted over 5 years ago.  You funny.  Pretend to a different person and give it a difference score which wasn\'t much of a difference to your older review.


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