Well, I just rented it for PS2, and so far, it\'s great. I know it\'s gonna be short, but there is some replay value. You earn points depending on your performance during a level, and you use those points to purchase secrets and cheats. Since you can replay a level, you can try for more points once you have already beaten the game.
Also, nobody has mentioned that Bruce Campbell has a cameo. He narrates your training missions and teaches you about certain techniques and stuff. The voice talent isn\'t incredible, but it\'s still pretty good.
All in all, if you\'re a die hard Spider-Man fan, like myself, then you might consider buying it. It\'s actually kinda hard (I blame that on the camera!), so you\'ll be at it for awhile.
My rating? 7.5/10.
Be sure to rent first, even if you are a SM fan!
P.S.- I can\'t wait for the movie.