So glad I waited. DLPs suck. Plasmas suck. LCD 1080p 24/60hz kinda suck.
But the new LCD 1080p 120hz is the best of both worlds for both 24fps and 60hz. No more 3:2 pull down. No more jittery panning probles (not everyone notices this but I do ). It\'s perfect for both broadcast and player modes! Of course, it\'s going to be awesome for gaming.
This is total Bollocks. First off do not say plasma sucks when in fact they still to this day outclass any LCD in terms of Picture quality, Price and features. Pioneer has had 72HZ refresh rate for true 24p for a while now. LCD still suffers from pixel response time, while this is not even an issue with plasma.
Just curious as to what LCD did you buy, cause SONY(bravia XBR line) is the only company who makes a decent LCD TV and if the unit you bought isn\'t a SONY then really i think you have been misguided.