very interesting. that guy got skills there. I like it. I just thought its a bit over the top though.
The most annoying thing on that video is the camera shaking and panning. Its a bit overdone. Reminds me of Michael Bay Transformers which is really annoying on the constant camera shaking during action sequences.
Another thing that I think is also a bit overdone is the action. Too many characters fighting at once and very fast. that it\'s hard to kept up with what\'s going on much. Not to mention the explosion, and other special effects going. Imaging watching that while the camera keep shaking.
But beside that, those people are really creative with their ideas and they really know how to program and develop those 3-D polygons characters from the game. Don\'t know how they manage to improve the graphic to some Final Fantasy characters that were only on PSOne. The graphic looks as good as PS2 graphics, and some just look like it was done on current generation of ps3/xbox360...