long story short:
took some antibiotics or a combo of things trying to get rid of a cough that I\'d had for 2 months...started out as a small rash on my hands that I thought was poison ivy. within a matter of days, it was on 80% of my body and wed morning I woke up not being able to breathe, and the poison ivy-like rash had puffed up like hot marsmallows. I spent all wednesday in the ER, then was admitted...pretty scary. My heart rate wouldn\'t drop below 130 bpm, and they pumped 3 litres of fluid into my veins in 5 hours. The rash felt like theworst case of poison ivy ever, complete with oozing painful blisters, with a 2nd degree burn on top of it. I\'m doing better now, the hives were so intense that my skin is bruised all over, and I look like I have one of those "raspberry" birthmarks over my torso & legs...strange thing is, I feel like I can\'t control my hands. I can barely type. maybe nerve damage? seeing the docs on monday. I feared I wouldn\'t see my daughter again.