This is the only fact I know about this shit.
FACT: Wherever there are black neighborhoods somehow some way the Jews end up living in the same goddamn neighborhood and, supposedly, they somehow coincide. It\'s all over. Queen/Brooklyn,anytime you see a black neighborhood restadamnsured there is "a gathering" somewhere close in the vicinity.These aren\'t just any black neighborhoods, these are
pratt pratt neighborhoods and these are not just any Jews living in the mix, these are the HEEBjews as we call em, or Hisidick Jews.
Now I can\'t tell you why they move in like fuckin bunkbed-buddies in a neighborhood together but I can guess, however, the guess would be completely far fetched because the only time I see any type of relationship between the two is inside a courthoouse.
Apparently, and evidently by this article, there is some type of clash going on between the two right now and everyone knows this was bound to happen because, ya know, da Jews just don\'t kno how to akt!
duhh who would\'ve ever thought this kind of thing would\'ve happened. I mean, you\'re only putting together complete and total opposites like.. the loudest kids with the quietest kids... ones that act like they got the money and ballin\' and ones that actually got all the money